Welcome to Moorside Primary School. Our School gates open at 8.45 am, and breakfast club at 8.00 am. Remember, good attendance is essential to learning.

Staff Teams at Moorside

The Senior Leadership Team:
The Senior leadership team work collectively with an whole school responsibility for the support and development of all areas of the school.
The team is responsible for promoting:
- safeguarding and child protection
- the internal organisation, management and control of the school
- the implementation of all policies and procedures approved by the Governing Body
- curriculum provision and the quality of teaching and learning
- strategic planning
- financial management
- monitoring of school priorities and action plans
- school self evaluation
The Middle Leadership Team:
The Middle leadership team work collectively with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and they currently have responsibility for leading on and supporting the development of English (which speaking and listening, Phonics, reading and writing) mathematics and Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PHSE) education. 
The team represent all age phases across the school.
The team is responsible for promoting the skills, knowledge and understanding of these key subjects, supporting the planning, resourcing and collating information about the progress made by the children in the school.
They do this through a range of methods including: leading by example best practice, supporting and guiding staff where appropriate, monitoring progress alongside the SLT and through talking to children with regards their learning. 
Curriculum Teams
All staff work within a curriculum team for a specific subject to develop the foundation subjects across the whole school. 
Each team consists of both teachers and teaching assistants representing the age range of the subject area.
These teams are responsible for promoting the skills, knowledge and understanding of their subject, supporting with planning, maintaining resources, sharing expertise and collating information about the progress made by children in school.