Welcome to Moorside Primary School. Our School gates open at 8.45 am, and breakfast club at 8.00 am. Remember, good attendance is essential to learning.

Whole School Write

Every half term we introduce a whole school write to the children in assembly.  This can be a short video clip, a picture or a specific challenge e.g. famous authors.
Each year group then works together to prepare some work linked to that topic.  The whole school then produces two pieces of writing linked to that topic.  This is then displayed throughout the school to share our ideas the aim of this is to show progression in English across the school.
Topics covered include:
Instructions to design a flying machine
Continuing a story in the style of the author
Description of a missing animal
Retelling a story
Writing a letter to invite parents into school
Persuasive texts
A weather forecast
Writing an alternative ending to a story
Writing a diary entry
Recounts of a traditional tale
Non-chronological report about Newcastle
Review of the academic year
Biography of a key author
Book review linked to key author